Panda Support Information

Use these tools to report your incidents to the Panda experts, so that they can study your case and provide you with a solution.
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Panda Support Information

Post by VirusBuster »

In order to continue with the study of your incident and resolve it, Panda Security needs to gather the following data from the computer:
  • Download the PSInfo.exe file into your computer and save it in your Windows Desktop.
  • Double click on the PSInfo.exe to run the tool.
  • Accept License agreement terms.
    The tool will automatically detect the customer ID. In case the Endpoint Agent is not installed, you will need to fill in the customer ID though.
  • Give a brief description of the incident
  • Select the affected product from the dropdown box. If the product is Panda Free Antivirus or any Consumer 2015 product, select Pro/Internet/Global/Gold
  • Select Do not send, save local
  • Click Start.
    A message will indicate that the tool has started to collect the required data.
When the data collection finishes, a new message indicates the path where the file has been saved to in the following format: COMPUTERNAME_[DATE-TIME]_PSInfo.7z

Attach the resulting PSInfo.7z file as a reply

Jorge Torre
TechSupport Department - Panda Security

I don't reply to private messages unless I have previously requested them

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